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Adorning the Gospel or Stripping it Bare?: Case Studies Illustrating the Dangers of Christian Nationalism

Posted by Michael LaFramboise on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, In : Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) 

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Introduction [1]

Christian Nationalism (CN), as described by Stephen Wolfe, threatens to diminish the witness of the evangelical Gospel around the world. Wolfe’s political theory will be used as a window through which to view religious nationalism more broadly. As test cases, CN will be surveyed in the United States, Brazil, Ghana, Germany, Ukraine and Russia, and then compared with Hindu Nationalism in India, Islamic Nationalism in Iran, and Buddhist Nationalism in Bh...

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The Importance of Theological Training

Posted by Michael La Framboise on Saturday, October 24, 2020, In : Meditations 

My dear grandfather, Pastor Jerry Osborne, hated Greek class and failed to receive his seminary degree because he just could not make the grade. What a difference 70 years or so makes. I am currently taking second-year Greek and I just can’t get enough of it! One might say that I am simply more inclined to languages than he was, but I am not so convinced. While natural ability is certainly helpful, the modern learning strategies for learning Greek are so completely different than they were ...

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