Suspect: Hypocrite

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Monday, January 10, 2011 Under: Poems

Consider your ways”, says the Preacher

As he stands behind his pulpit

With his finger does he find the creature

There he is: Suspect Hypocrite!

Consider My ways”, says the Lord

Can I no longer hide my crimes?

I fear the Justice of His Court

How will I ever pay the fines?!

Considering my ways of sin and secrecy;

Considering my days as a wandering stray;

Is there a place in Your Grace for me?

Let Mercy find my confession I Pray

Consider His ways”, says the Sinner

Though Calvary looms in darkness above

Lead me to the Rock which is higher

At the Cross, cleansed by His Blood

Consider His ways, both Righteous and True

His Justice remains, yet am I free

A suspect charged and convicted too

But Jesus My Savior loved even me

In : Poems 

Tags: conviction  secret sin  hypocrisy  lie  haggai  grace  forgiveness 
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