If I Don't See You again, I Love You!

Posted by Michael La Framboise on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 In : Meditations 

In 1997, a grandfather visited his daughter and grandchildren in Wisconsin. Before returning home to southern California, he exchanged goodbyes with his eldest grandson, Jeremy, who was 21 at the time. Neither one knew when they might see each other again. As hugs were shared, Jeremy said, “Goodbye, and if I don’t see you again, I love you.” A few days later his grandpa passed away suddenly, just a few hours after reaching home. Unexpectedly, Jeremy and his family were soon on their way...

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Blood Bought America

Posted by Michael La Framboise on Monday, November 28, 2022 In : Politics 
Ever since the Red/ Blue Map of the 2000 presidential election, there has been a steady increase in the use and meaning of Red and Blue States, which has in turn led to the notion of a Red and Blue America. This is typically used to divide the country into opposing camps of religion, morality, and, of course, politics. In the view of this humble blogger, this distinction between Red and Blue Americans has crossed a dangerous line, as it is now commonplace to characterize one’s political opp...

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Fossils of Life

Posted by Michael La Framboise on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 In : Meditations 

Grandpa was a simple man, to be sure. A man of a bygone era. We call it the Greatest Generation, but we do not mean it for a second! For not one of their values do we continue to hold; not one of their morals do we continue to esteem; not one of their ethics do we continue to regard. Grandpa is a relic and his memory but a fossil; they are simply reminders of things from long ago which no longer have any consequence. His life was a vapor, and all the whisps have vanished. The preacher was dea...

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To The Work!

Posted by Michael La Framboise on Monday, October 25, 2021 In : Meditations 

An old hymn came to mind the other day, and as I listened to the words, I couldn’t help but be transported back in time. There I was in my grandpa’s church; everyone was there. Grandma was at the piano playing the song as only she could; Grandpa was standing on the platform singing away as the song leader waved his hand with the tempo of Fanny Crosby’s “To the Work.” My aunts and uncles and cousins were there, along with my own family. During the chorus I can hear the echo of grandp...

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A Christian's Guide To Political Disappointment

Posted by Michael La Framboise on Sunday, November 8, 2020 In : Politics 

An overwhelming 75% majority of Evangelical Christians supported Donald Trump’s 2020 bid for reelection. As high as that number is, it is actually down from 81% in 2016. That 6% decline may have been the difference in his loss to Joe Biden for the presidency. Be that as it may, the point is that many Christians are disappointed with the results of this year’s historic election. Combine this with the rampant misinformation on social media regarding alleged fraud and one is left with a powd...

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