Peter's Politics

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Monday, September 7, 2009 In : Politics 

The Apostle Peter lived to see a time when it became increasingly dangerous to profess one’s self a Christian. In his latter years, public opinion in the Roman empire shifted against Christians on a wide scale. Christians were held in contempt by the populace because of their convictions against the pervading pagan religion of Roman society. This caused many in that day to view Christians with suspicion and animosity; a sentiment that Emperor Nero used to his advantage in AD 64, when eleven...

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The Courageous Wife!

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Thursday, September 3, 2009 In : Meditations 

I heard such a disparaging opinion of “The Proverbs 31 Woman” the other day. It really took me by surprise, since in my experience, the ideals of the virtuous wife in that passage are usually regarded in high esteem. However, there was a woman in a group I was with who shared her utter disdain for the general trend of churches to push the ideals of Proverbs 31 onto women who could never live up to such a rigorous standard. Cynicism dripped from her words as she went on about this passage,...

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Beware of Political Leaven!

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Tuesday, September 1, 2009 In : Politics 

In Mark 8:15, Jesus warned His disciples, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod!” The leaven of the Pharisees is directly described as religious hypocrisy, but what is the leaven of Herod? In the Gospels we read of a sect called the Herodians who joined forces with the Pharisees to destroy Jesus (Mark 3:6). They seem to have been a political party, named for its support of Herod’s dynasty which reined over Judea as Roman vassals. In speaking of leaven, no doubt ...

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What Did He Say?

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Saturday, August 29, 2009 In : Politics 

Can you believe the audacity of our President to say that our country was founded not only upon Judeo-Christian principles, but also on the words of the Muslim Koran?! In his nationally televised speech, the President declared that “[American] character is... sustained in our national life by the truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Koran, and the varied faiths of our people.” As if unilaterally revising our country's history wasn't enough, he went on to identify the...

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The Church's Message?

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Thursday, August 27, 2009 In : Meditations 

What is the Church coming to these days? For the Dove World Outreach Center, a self-described charasmatic, non-denominational congregation in Gainsville, Florida, the Church has come to sending kids to school with T-shirts emblazened with hate speech like, "Islam is of the Devil". Perhaps the Dove World Outreach Center should have got the hint when they were forced to custom order the controversial shirts over the internet, because no local screenprinter would take their business. According t...

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