Browsing Archive: January, 2011

The Prayer Option

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Saturday, January 15, 2011, In : Meditations 

This is the question indeed. To pray, or not to pray? Sometimes the question isn’t even asked. I constrain myself, however, from writing or saying to much on this subject today. No doubt, many have had enough of me already this year. So, short and pithy I will be.

As I was preparing my Sunday sermon in Daniel 2, I was arrested by a thought which shot through my mind, and will, henceforth, find itself in yours. It is a question of prayer, and of praying. There are some things we choose t...

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Suspect: Hypocrite

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Monday, January 10, 2011, In : Poems 

Consider your ways”, says the Preacher

As he stands behind his pulpit

With his finger does he find the creature

There he is: Suspect Hypocrite!

Consider My ways”, says the Lord

Can I no longer hide my crimes?

I fear the Justice of His Court

How will I ever pay the fines?!

Considering my ways of sin and secrecy;

Considering my days as a wandering stray;

Is there a place in Your Grace for me?

Let Mercy find my confession I Pray

Consider His ways”, says the Si...

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Welcome To Pergamos!

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Saturday, January 1, 2011, In : Politics 

     "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write,
'These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword: ...I have a few things against you'
Revelation 2:12-14

Thomas Jefferson understood the value of a government which was limited from reaching into the religious realm, which is why he, in his own words, “refrained from prescribing even those occasional performances of devotion”, such as days of fasting or thanksgiving, though his presidential predecessors did this regularly....

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