Browsing Archive: March, 2010

Who's Right?

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Thursday, March 25, 2010, In : Politics 

In an interview on Monday with Sean Hannity on his daily Fox News Channel show, Sarah Palin was asked about her reaction to the recently passed House bill on health insurance reform. Their ten-minute exchange was a resounding right-wing rant decrying the supposed travesty of “Obama-care”; but I would like to key-in on a comment Palin made about a Pro-life Democrat, Rep. Bart Stupak, and the President’s compromise with him to gain his support for the bill.

Rep. Stupak and other Pro-l...

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Trust the Lord?

Posted by Michael A. La Framboise on Saturday, March 20, 2010, In : Meditations 
     I was thinking about the way I so often have trouble trusting the Lord, how my faith frequently fails and how I often blame my God and complain about His ways. It seems that my experience is in no way unique, as many believers (if not all of us) struggle at one time or another in resting in the faithfulness of God.
     Why is this? Why do we as Christians struggle to trust the Lord?
     How is it that we doubt the love of our Father who spared not His only Son, but delivered Him up for u...
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